Riverdale HS Pavement Maintenance


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date2/17/21 1:00pm

Bid Date3/3/21 2:00pm

Company & Contacts

Blair, Church & Flynn Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Jenn Felix  
(559) 326-1400

GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK– Asphalt pavement maintenance including crack fill & seal coating, partial removal and replacement of asphalt pavement, replacing concrete curb & gutter, and re-striping various parking lots and maintenance areas at Riverdale High School as indicated in the construction documents.

MANDATORY PRE-BID SITE WALK: Wednesday, February 17, 2021 at 1:00 pm. Meet at the RJUSD District Office located at 3160 W. Mt Whitney Ave, Riverdale, CA 93656.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING BIDS: The deadline is tentatively set for March 3, 2021 at 2:00pm at the RJUSD District Office. Bidders should refer to the Invitation to Bidders and all addenda to confirm the deadline.

Questions should be addressed in writing to Jenn Felix via email jfelix@bcf-engr.com